Thursday, January 20, 2011

In Contrary to a "Best Work Only" Portfolio?

Loading in the content is more difficult than I thought. Along with having one of those funk days where I needed to force myself to get motivated to work, I found myself struggling with whether or not I'm adding an overload of content. I heard it quite a bit of times to only show your best work, at least when it comes to demo reels. I'm almost sure the same applies to everything else.

But why, really? Shouldn't one be honest with their selves? Show the strengths that come along with the weaknesses? Display the whole packag, ready for a reaction to the reaction, whether to duck from tomatoes or catch flowers. Take the good comments with the bad? You only learn from this-- and I find it to be a bit pompous for a viewer, employer or other, to not expect someone to have any areas that are more intermediate than others.

My first content page as it currently appears:

So, decidely, I'm putting it all out on the table for review-- and welcoming whatever comes with a sense of levelheadness, that I'm not Boris Valero by far, I adore the talent and design skills of Mr. Bobby Chui and Mr. Jonny Duddle, I admire the success and unabashed realism captured by the females artists Ms. Marta Dahlig and Ms. Katarina Sokolova, all of them are my top favorites and I can never cease to get amazed by the flawlessness of their work, but I'm just me. Just me, and I've given it all I got in my past and I'm still hopeful that I can get even more out myself of the future.

So, again, what's really the right thing to do? Best Work Only ... or All or Nothing? I step with my best foot first, but I do still have two....

Anyways, please do check out the work of these artists. I promise that you'll be floored. All of them are truly amazing:

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