Sunday, January 07, 2007

Ugh... Too many Things Interest Me...

I've been very distracted lately. All over the place, yes. Uninspired, no. So, my update is this:

I've been reading these magazines while at work. See what too much down time on the job will do to you?? Anyway, goodbye viral gossip magazines.

I figured if any magazines I should be reading, it should be ones that pertain to my ulimate career desire to be an artist. So I've been reading word-for-word, front-to-back, ads-and-all, with a notebook and pen by my side, these two great magazines. 3D World and Imagine FX.

I've been taking notes on updated software, contact information on companies all over the world, and studying the art of amazing art nose-to-page. Gosh, there's so amazing, amazing art of there. I'm seriously inspired, right now.

See, now, I know I have it in me. I just have to find my niche. The right one. And go with that. I do love concept art and, I think, I begining to crave game design, as well... Hmm... Like I said I'm all over the place. lol.

In any event, I signed up for two online community forums. Here's my links:

The last is buggy. Keeps on erasing my customized profile. Grrr. Did it twice already. Just re-doing THAT is distracting me! And I can't upload to my gallery. I dunno. I won't give up on it though. The first forum is great, although my work looks like dirty flattened gum smooshed a clean, sparkling street.

But, I know I have what it takes. Got a few ideas I want to flesh out. But then again...

I become distracted. From completing my site (Which really, in the most basic format of a website, is almost done). I found myself teaching myself all of the little nooks of Flash, to make it a little more stylish. I know I went off tangent with that. I figure now, I could just finish it up and update it later. I just got to get it done, now, for crying out loud!

...So I can move onto making some fresh work to put up on it along with all these sites I'm joining.

I have a potential freelance opportunity coming my way (Thanks to my friend Mats). It would be photoshop work, if I get the gig... but thinking about it against 3d, I am very comfortable in the application. I know I can work faster and more efficinetly in Photoshop.

I'm really grateful, though. I haven't been pursuing a 'career' change quite yet, because of financial reasons (I know that's just a bad wannabe artists' excuse lol). So, thankfully, there's good friends out there that look out for me. I really do appreciate it, even if I don't get the jobs.

I'd like to get a hefty portfolio and just knock these companies' socks off, but it takes time. I keep thinking one thing at a time. It'll happen.

6-month agenda that I'm going to try to stick by:

-Get a Wacom Tablet (Yikes, money, but gotta do it)
-Finish the Website (Simplified, BASIC starter version, right?)
-Pay off Last of Remaining Debt
-Keep myself updated on the art world
-Build a contact list and find some mentors
-Work on my artwork
-Have a social life (somewhere)
-Get a understandable salary in the art world (Please, god)
-Get my own apartment
-Live Happily Ever After

Sounds like a fairy tale right now... It's a lot. But, now it's FOREVER capsuled online, and I'll have to look at it everytime I look at this blog. Hopefully, I'll be able to check them all off the list within a decade.

Okay enough ranting. First on the list is the webiste. In two weeks I'll be able to get the tablet. If I can get the website done in close to that time, I'll get a good flow to be able to continue my work.

Hopefully that job will fall in place, too. We'll see.


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Lisa Marie said...

Well, one of the things I've decided is that it s a good thing to delve into as many things as possible to find out what pulls you in the most.

Why have one focal point, when you find you have many? Being well-rounded is a positive quality!

When you find what pulls you in the most, you then must begin to adjust your time according to levels of necessary time and levels of importance.

Check out my blog on backward planning. It's a little convulted and wordy (me) but maybe it will help plan your time with your interests...