Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A Quick Run Down.

It's Three o'clock in the morning and I have to wake up for a looonng flight to Nigeria tomorrow morning.

I fixed up my page (again) on my Concept Art link and I think I've finally figured out the trick (which would be NOT to alter my page in anyway while at another computer). I'm going to try that, because I don't think I can stand fixing the color components of my page every other week. It's a huge waste of time... So that's my little plan for that: "Don't Touch while away".

Last night in the moonlight I sketched a quick gesture thumbnail of my first concept drawing. I 'll work on a few more, posing the character at different perpectives and more interesting angles. Just to see which I like best.

In any event, for all those who get OC with the fear of your gesture drawing looking horrible, my best advice would be to draw in crappy lighting. You can't see too much, so you don't worry as much. lol. I like the method. Helps me hash things out better. I looked at the sketch today and it actually looks pretty decent (surprisingly). I'll upload my all of the sketches on my next post or so.

Been thinking about my site a lot. How to make it more dynamic looking. I'll sit on that for a couple days and sketch out some layouts of that, too.

And about the Wacom tablet-- God help you people who work on 4x5's! Think I'll wait until I get my paycheck. I'm leaning towards the 6x8 or the 9x12. The 4x5 just isn't worth it.

And I haven't heard anything from that company reccommended me to just yet. I'm crossing my fingers. The man I spoke with on the phone last week said he would email me sometime this week. Ugh. The suspense.

Okay, well, until then, I'm up, up, and away to Africa.

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