Friday, October 27, 2006


My friend once said to me that if I tried to lay down a path for myself, in ten years from now it may all be completely different than what I had forseen for myself. That only God will know my true path.

If tarot cards can hold your fate and destiny at there exposure, and I ask the same question twice, getting different results, is my life truly undefined? I mean, not even knowing where the cards came from. Who hands they were in before...

It seems ominous to me to chance my life by someone else's deal. It seems just as omnious to chance my life with my own deal, if I had even known how to predict. To me fate is more powerful than a deck of cards.

It's almost like couterattacking whatever's already in store for you, should there be some error or tainting in the cards or their dealer. It is a threat to fate to disrupt or try to predict the natural course of life.

To squash your life into more than one possible outcome, leaves your fate more in outside hands and less in your own. You're less of yourself, and more for the cards. It's like reading a horoscope, and wanting to believe it when it's good, and not believing in when it's bad. Feeling almost threatned when it doesn't prove accurate.

I may not be able to predict my future, but to attempt to have it predicted means to accept a fate from a power that is not my own. I'd rather it be as much in my own hands as possible.

It may be a reassurance if the draw was good, or to keep me on my toes, if the draw were bad... but I'd rather live in the unknown. Not predictable. Makes life less fun.

Then again, we were just bored at work. What else is there to do but evoke our fates so high up in the skies? Tempting as it is.

(I tend to try to think that I'm more of an observer of destiny and less of a conspirer against it)

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