Saturday, February 09, 2013

Exploring Polypainting (Work In Progress)

Thank you to Eric Keller and his book "Introducing Zbrush", I had completed the perfect character to test out what I've been learning from the Visualarium Course with Ryan Kingslien I took in the fall.  I'm finally catching up on everything after clearing a few things out of an overly crazy schedule.  My focus has been on continuing to learn Zbrush inside and out, with getting better at Maya, on digital painting--specifically in regards working with color and values.  Also, I've been fighting to make time to complete my traditional sculpt ready as well.

I will post pictures of that soon!

Anyways, I'll make this a short one today.  Hope you enjoy the work in progress.

I was going to post the render without the pupils, but I figured that the pupils would demonstrate some of what I recently learned.... I guess it's time to research how to break through the uncanny valley soon....

And thank you to all the great instructors out there that have both helped me and inspired me!

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