Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Dedication and Inspiration

So, this halloween weekend has been a little crazy, but I still found time to work on my website. It was a great weekend, and nicely enough I think I might be all partied out.

Now, with a full week off of work, dedication is key. I have a goal to get this site up before the end of November. One month more of decoding websites, buying CSS style books, and teaching myself Dreamweaver.

After browsing through templates and inspiration from my friend, I'm tempted to add some flash in there to make it a little more dynamic. That might very easily tack on another month. I'm starting to think distraction comes more from being overly inquistive than from actual lack of focus. Hmm.

Well, here is the background design, near completion and without its opacity. It's a combination of my own design with references from a hotel floor design that I saw while overseas. The color scheme is similar to that of my site.

I thank my friends that continue to inspire me. I'll get there hopefully. It just might take me some time...

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