Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Temporary Turntables from For Spring 2013 Reel.

OVERVIEW:   These are more developments of the three characters that are being created for an animated short that I was hired to work on for a few months.  I'm not sure what has become of the piece-- but it is available for viewing on my website under my latest works section.

My main concentration was on the execution of the concept to finalize 3D characters.
These 3 characters are the my first full bodied zbrush sculpts. 

I may retopo them and bring the into Maya at some point to rig... but for now, I'm moving onto other works to showcase in my portfolio.

Each of these include a turntable, the initial sketch, and a composited still at previz stages. 
I hope you like them! 

Character Concept #1


Character Concept #2



Here is the second character design for the animated short and her complimenting concept sketches:

Character Concept #3
I do not have a turntable for her yet.  But I have spent the most time working out her design and look development.  She still needs some work, but I've incorporated some sketches, etc, until I can get her turntable uploaded.



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