Today I finished Chapter Five. When is enough detail enough? Well, I'll learn eventually. I'm better under pressure, otherwise I tend to lose myself in the fine details.
My test of quick modeling was my first real "modeling" job. I had a week long deadline and was to complete four background character statues according to their accompanying stylesheets. My longest took my 36 hours, my quickest was 9.
That's when I got the confidence to be able to tell myself that I could be a modeler. My biggest challenge was make choices and sticking with them. It still is one of my biggest frustrations.
This model-- Well Zbrush is damn near evil with the amounts of detail you can try to attain. And I love detail.
This model at it's lowest division is 96 polys, at it's higgest-- 6,291,456.
I still don't know if that's good or bad.
As I mentioned, I'd like to customize this skull seeing as it's almost Halloween and I'm tempted. I was looking into it, but now that the skull was modeled as one piece, I'm not quite sure how to split the geometry up into two without taking it into Maya or Max... So I'm not sure if it's worth the R+D right now against the urgency of moving onto the remaining chapters. There's learning Dynamesh and a whole lot more plugins to tear into after getting through this book.
Here's where my attention deficit creeps in.
Note to Self: I'm sure eventually I'll learn how to do what I'd like to do if I just keep the peripherals on.
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